Random Facts

25 Random Facts About Me

1.  I am deathly afraid of spiders, but I love reptiles. I once had two pet lizards I took to school with me in the fourth grade. They slept on the inside of my shirt nestled against my skin. You may be grossed out at this point, but I thought it was cute. Now I've just given your children ideas.
2.  My first name is Cynthia. My father calls me C.J., my friends call me Cindy, a few others have called me Cindal, Uncle John calls me Locksie, and I also answer to Hey You.
3.  I am against walnuts in chocolate chip cookies. It messes up my happy chocolate chip groove.
4.  I think spandex is something that should only be worn within the confines of your own home, at least in my case anyway.
5.  I lived in Brazil for a year and half where I picked up fifteen different species of parasites. Yummy! Also a great weight loss tool.
6.  Placed in the top five for Arizona Idol.
7.  Placed third for Gila Valley Idol.
8.  Wish I would have placed somewhere for The Voice, but I didn't even get a call back. Sigh.
9.  I have a CD out that I made when I was nineteen. It's not too terrible either.
10. I love watching the discovery channel.
11. I am a fan of the Twilight and Hunger Games series. I know some people who have refused to read them because they're so popular. I'm not sure I understand the logic behind that. These people are so intent on being different they refuse themselves some great escapism. It's like looking at a Snickers bar and saying, "I'm not going to eat that since everyone else is eating it." Think of all the yummy goodness they have just been deprived of. Travesty.
12. I dislike being pregnant. For those of you who do like to be great with child, what kind of happy pills are you taking, and where can I get some?
13. I can't be cheerful early in the morning. I get happy after I've eaten breakfast.
14. I have never broken a bone.
15. I had my appendix removed when I was five months pregnant with my first child.
16. I've moved thirteen times in my life and attended eight different schools.
17. I love Seinfeld, Psych, and Phineas and Ferb.
18. I think all chihuahuas can smell fear which is why they are constantly attacking my ankles.
19. My favorite movie quote is from Ghost Busters..."Yes, have some." Although Nacho Libre and Galaxy Quest have had some memorable doosies. "Did you not tell him they were the lord's chips?" and "Is there air? You don't know!"
20. I've decided that Taylor Swift is a song writing genius. Is it just me or are her tunes annoyingly catchy? And by annoying I mean why didn't I write that song?
21. The book The Healer is my very first novel.
22. I can't eat pizza when I watch Bones. The pizza always manages to resemble the remains I'm looking at in any given episode.
23. I'm addicted to Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, The Lying Game, and Once Upon a Time.
24. My favorite food is Thanskgiving dinner...the entire dinner.
25. I take issue with mean people. It's so much easier to be nice.


Wendy said...

What about "Cindy Lou"?! Also, I relate to eating while watching Bones... I struggle!

Unknown said...

Ah yes, I forgot about Cindy Lou. We can't forget Little Cindy Lou Who whom my friends and family still refer to me as.