About Me

I'm the mother of three ridiculously adorable children.
Beautiful aren't they?
(P.S. There is a baby girl on the way due July 18th)
I love to read which has led to a love of writing. I know most people have specific tastes in books, but I love anything from the classics, to paranormal romance, to YA fiction, fantasy or sci-fi. Basically, if it's a good read then I am more than happy to read it. I am a performer at heart spending most of my life singing and dancing on a stage. Give me a mic, and I'm all over it. I also enjoy song writing, eating chocolate, watching chic flicks and thrillers, and kissing on my husband. A cute husband is a must have.

                                                                  I did good, didn't I?

My husband is a fan of my work, especially if it will get him a gig as a full time stay at home dad. I'll keep working on that one.


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